Monday, September 30, 2013

Important Upcoming Date

Hey Pratters! As you all know, this semester seems to be flying by. Although it feels like we have just began, we are almost halfway through the semester. Which means as we head into October, we are also heading into everyone's favorite time- Halloween! Just kidding, I'm talking about MID-TERMS!

 Ah, yes. Although midterms seem so far off, they are actually creeping up pretty quickly. Tuesday, October 22nd is the date in which mid-term grades will be posted. Which means actual mid-term testing begins next week! It is important to be prepared for any mid-term papers, tests, and projects. Even though October has just began, time flies when you're having fun- and lets be honest, you can't NOT have fun here at IUP! So make sure to take the time to plan accordingly to prevent these things from sneaking up on you. Here are some time-management and success tips to help you rock your mid-terms:

1. Pace yourself
If you try to cram, you're only setting yourself up for failure and a ton of unnecessary stress. 

Split your test material into sections and study each one a different day. Then take some time to review everything at once (flashcards can be helpful here). If you have a paper, give yourself the time span of a week or two and write a different section each day. Same applies to if you have some sort of project or presentation. It is important to know what you are going to say and present and to do it with confidence. Time management is key here.

2. Pick a productive place
Studying with your best friends while watching Catfish or in your dorm room (that suddenly looks very messy and needs cleaned this minute) is probably not going to end with you learning all the material. Be sure to pick a spot to study with little distractions that fits your study habits. The library has multiple places ranging from loud, to a quiet hum, to complete silence. There are also study rooms right in the residence halls that you may gain access to and can shut yourself in and spread your work out. Being someplace where your one and only focus is on your assignments will result in major productivity.

3. Give yourself a break
Studies have shown that students who take small breaks while studying (about 15 minutes) can aid in remembering the material. It is also important to take a bit to relax and have some deep breaths. After all, you're only human! Just be sure to stay on track and keep your break time limited. Using this time to eat a healthy, brain-boosting snack (like dark chocolate) can be beneficial! 

4. Have a study buddy
Studying with a friend or with a group of smart, motivated people can lessen the work load and ease the stress. You can also use each others creative minds to make acronyms or little rhymes to remember terms or bits of information. Writing notes in class, reading them to yourself, and reviewing them with your group will make the information more likely to stay in your brain.

5. Hide your phone
I know personally that my phone is my biggest distraction; so power down, turn on airplane mode, or leave it in your room if you need to. It is easy to pick up your phone to check and email and end up playing Candy Crush for an hour. If you're waiting on an important phone call, the iPhone even has a 'do not disturb' setting where you can select that only phone calls from certain people may come through.

6. Use some tunes to tune yourself out
Listening to music that you do not know the lyrics to and won't memorize can help you focus. Pandora Radio has an awesome classical music station meant just for studying. Easy listening is also a great choice in genre as well. Music can help you drown out that girl who thought the library was meant for (loudly) taking phone calls, or just keep you from hearing any noises that might distract you.

and, most importantly:

7. Take care of yourself
Midterm preparation can easily turn even the most studious person into a zombie...
So take a hot shower. Jog for 15 minutes in the fresh air. Trade that Five Hour Energy and espresso shot in for some blueberries and hot tea. Pull that yoga mat out from under your bed. Laugh at funny cat videos on YouTube. Have dinner with your friends. Midterms can make you focus more on your brain and less on, well, the rest of yourself. Being happy, calm and healthy are key to being able to study well and take all that information you worked so hard to remember and put it to good use. 

And remember, your ASMs are here to help you if you feel you might be having trouble studying, managing time, or anything of the like. Stop in at office G6 in Suites on Pratt or shoot us an email. We are here to help YOU!

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